With Wood Blocks

We had an 0pen Door Concept from the 90's going into our bathroom and finally decided to DIY a Wood Block Sliding Door for more privacy.

We started with a sheet of plywood and cut it to fit our doorway. Then took 1x6 boards and cut we them into 4 x 6 blocks. Next we then sanded them.

Then I stained the wood blocks rotating walnut and grey stain. I laid them out on the board and once I liked the way they looked glued them with wood glue.

Once the blocks were glued we measured and put on the sliding door rollers.

We installed  a header  board (directly into studs) to support the weight and installed the track according to the directions.

We love the final result but I did end up changing the color a bit to coordinate with the accent wall better. Click below to see the final color.